General information

The dental clinic for your entire family.

For you and your family to rejoice in good oral health it is essential that you visit the dentist on a regular basis. What services does Clínica Dental Dr. E. Martínez Cabrera offer us?

- Consultation on dental hygiene and dental cleaning performed by Dr. Martinez himself.

- Operative dentistry: fillings, cosmetic dentistry, smile design and teeth whitening.

- Periodontics: prevention and treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease resulting from other diseases, and periodontal surgery.

- Endodontics and apicoectomies. Nerve Treatment.

- Radiology & Cephalometric Orthopantomography, RVG and Digital Imaging.

- Orthodontics : Cephalometric Study, Conventional Orthodontics with Porcelain or lingual Brackets or Lingual (invisible).

- Prosthetics: Fixed Prosthesis, Metal-Porcelain, solely Porcelain, combined prosthodontics or complete dentures. With zirconium.

- Surgery: Wisdom Teeth and wisdom teeth and soft tissue .

- Implantology, within one day.

- Pediatric Dentistry: Space maintainance, Sealing and Fluoride.

- PADI: Children's Dental Care Plan.

Hours: Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 4pm to 8pm.

Our team

Dr. Enrique Martínez

Adina Hoara

Francisca Carbonell

Mamen Lázaro